# mirror.timtal.com.tr This is a Tier 2 Arch Linux mirror supported by Teknopark Istanbul Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School and its students. Syncs from: rsync://mirrors.pidginhost.com/Arch/ (a tier 1 mirror) Sync interval: Every 6 hours Geoghraphical location: Turkiye (Istanbul) ## Maintainers ayilmaz - Abdurrahim YILMAZ alpoproo - Alperen GOKDENIZ omertheroot - Omer Faruk SONMEZ ### Special Thanks dybdeskarphet - Ahmet Arda KAVAKCI ## School The mirror runs on Teknopark Istanbul Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School's servers. ## Support You can contact us from ArchWiki Turkiye Telegram Group for more questions and bug reports. School Website: https://teknoparkistanbul.meb.k12.tr/ Telegram Group: https://t.me/archwikiturkiye